Sunday, September 2, 2012

SCA Man-at-Arms

So despite being a squire before this. For the first time in my life i was made a man-at-arms to a knight. This was a very happy moment in my life. When my Knight asked if anyone would speak on my behalf I had 5 fantastic people step up to say things that truly brought tears to my eyes. A knight that has known me for many years spoke up, saying my enthusiasm was great but my mouth needed train
ing still. A pelican that i count among dear friends spoke up saying my wish to help people had been noticed. A baron spoke of my service to a barony i did not even live in. A lady of the household spoke up on how i had grown from an angry young man into a proud man she was happy to be around. And in closing a Gage spoke of my willingness to stop beating my head on a wall and change up my self to pursue the path and spoke of my service to my unit. I was doing well before these people spoke up. Many of them surprising me GREATLY!!!!! I still tear up thinking about it. Thank you all you have touched me deeply and i will strive to make you all proud of me and make myself worthy of your words.

Bad Grammar and all. 

Matthew /  Tegrinus 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your personal success here. I enjoyed reading this - thanks for the joy.
