Thursday, September 13, 2012

Two more into the breach (for the blog roll)

I am not a personal fan of adding content to be adding content but, both of these sights seem to hold content that will help me in my future as a teacher.

Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog  Which is about a teacher and her class room.  The favorite part for me is the diverse strategies and techniques she uses while teaching.

Docere Est Discere  This one strikes much closer to home for me due to the fact that it is a blog about student teaching.

As I said I am not a fan of content for contents sake.  These blogs will take time to dig through and though they seem well put together, they help illistrate the problem with this; in that many of the blogs are just peoples opinions put on the web.  So a careful eye must always be held when looking at these.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you saw value here in that I wanted you to "open the window and let some fresh air in". The thought her was for you to find something to share that YOU thought was worthy of your blog. I am glad you did. Both of these sources are valuable.
