Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why is this the answer? If it didn't have truth in it, it wouldn't be funny.

Why is this the answer?  Where have we gotten to as a society and as a just general people that not only is this true, but funny.  Be honest with yourself and me ( I promise I won't tell) YOU  thought this was funny.  God knows i did, and i see a bit more then the truth in it.  I see a lot of fear and hate.  I think a lot of people would prefer that the teacher "hit" the bottle then "hit" the kid, but i cant help but think that is short sightedness that destroys one our our educational resources.  My father, when I first went to high school, went to all the teachers, and told them to spank me first then ask questions.  He knew most of them, he had taught there himself, but never the less that is how he felt.  Beat me first then find out why I was screwing up. I received licks, or a paddling, up into my my high schooling.  and let me tell you.  That was one hell of a deterrence.  Now do not get me wrong I am not saying that paddling should be put back into the school, but I will say we have to figure out some form of other means to control the class room.   Also, some humor and deep breathing exercises for the teachers.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel the same way, I sometimes feel that if paddling was back maybe classes would not be as bad as they are today,or the schools should come up some better way to control the class room. But I do find this to something that is funny, and I am not sorry to say that.

  3. Haha this made me laugh :) Thanks for the laugh! Also this was a good point.
