Thursday, August 30, 2012

Personal Goals with this Blogging thingy.

So today as I read through the different blogs I noticed that several of them spoke on how their grammar and  writing skills improved.  So thinking on this I have decided to come up with a few goals to aim for with this blogging thingy.  Specially with me moving into the more professional sector, where the ultimate aim of this and my new twitter is to be a professional resource.

  1. Prolly should stop calling this a blogging thingy. 
  2. Correct poor grammar and spelling.
  3. Reach a new and unthought (at least by me) audience.  
  4. To see if I will have some impact on the aforementioned audience.
  5. ......
  6. MAKE MONEY.  

I think that about covers it.  


  1. I'm a grammar nazi, so if you want, I can constantly correct your 'blogging grammar'! And for just starting out, your blog is great!

  2. Sure go for it. I do not honestly like that but I need it so I give you full permission. Though i think I have someone else that will be doing the same.
