Thursday, September 13, 2012

Two more into the breach (for the blog roll)

I am not a personal fan of adding content to be adding content but, both of these sights seem to hold content that will help me in my future as a teacher.

Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog  Which is about a teacher and her class room.  The favorite part for me is the diverse strategies and techniques she uses while teaching.

Docere Est Discere  This one strikes much closer to home for me due to the fact that it is a blog about student teaching.

As I said I am not a fan of content for contents sake.  These blogs will take time to dig through and though they seem well put together, they help illistrate the problem with this; in that many of the blogs are just peoples opinions put on the web.  So a careful eye must always be held when looking at these.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tech, Teaching, and Beliefs

The tech of today is advancing at such a rapid pace that I really wonder exactly how different the world of the student will be in years to come.  I personally when in school, years ago, did not get a calculator to do problems, and i mean one of the basic ones, not one of those that looks like a brick.  In today's classes calculators are mandatory and every mobile or electronic device has a calculator on it.   Most of those same devices can access the internet for instant acquisition  of new knowledge.  This is a great thing, this is also a bit of a dangerous thing.  Before I feel we were taught to find some of this to look it up and to make leaps of thought to get what we needed.  Now with certain "KEYWORDS" anyone can grab knowledge on a subject that would in the past be possibly hard to find or just not available.

So with all this tech and the rate of it advancing how do we handle this in the school?  I think that question is probably one of the most important ones to be asked by most everyone teaching today.  I have read several books on my laptop and ipad.  I am currently composing this on my laptop.  Something I would not have dreamed of having 10 years ago.  Despite having found joy and acceptance with the ipad type books and books on the computer, I am very much (when doing research) a fan of having the paper product in my hand.  I find that going over pdf's and things for information sometimes to be very unwieldy and time consuming.

I think some of this might be a bit of age and unwillingness to change but I really like paper books,  BUT I also dearly love the internet and the ability that it gives me to grab information almost instantly.


Why is this the answer? If it didn't have truth in it, it wouldn't be funny.

Why is this the answer?  Where have we gotten to as a society and as a just general people that not only is this true, but funny.  Be honest with yourself and me ( I promise I won't tell) YOU  thought this was funny.  God knows i did, and i see a bit more then the truth in it.  I see a lot of fear and hate.  I think a lot of people would prefer that the teacher "hit" the bottle then "hit" the kid, but i cant help but think that is short sightedness that destroys one our our educational resources.  My father, when I first went to high school, went to all the teachers, and told them to spank me first then ask questions.  He knew most of them, he had taught there himself, but never the less that is how he felt.  Beat me first then find out why I was screwing up. I received licks, or a paddling, up into my my high schooling.  and let me tell you.  That was one hell of a deterrence.  Now do not get me wrong I am not saying that paddling should be put back into the school, but I will say we have to figure out some form of other means to control the class room.   Also, some humor and deep breathing exercises for the teachers.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

SCA Man-at-Arms

So despite being a squire before this. For the first time in my life i was made a man-at-arms to a knight. This was a very happy moment in my life. When my Knight asked if anyone would speak on my behalf I had 5 fantastic people step up to say things that truly brought tears to my eyes. A knight that has known me for many years spoke up, saying my enthusiasm was great but my mouth needed train
ing still. A pelican that i count among dear friends spoke up saying my wish to help people had been noticed. A baron spoke of my service to a barony i did not even live in. A lady of the household spoke up on how i had grown from an angry young man into a proud man she was happy to be around. And in closing a Gage spoke of my willingness to stop beating my head on a wall and change up my self to pursue the path and spoke of my service to my unit. I was doing well before these people spoke up. Many of them surprising me GREATLY!!!!! I still tear up thinking about it. Thank you all you have touched me deeply and i will strive to make you all proud of me and make myself worthy of your words.

Bad Grammar and all. 

Matthew /  Tegrinus