Thursday, August 30, 2012

Personal Goals with this Blogging thingy.

So today as I read through the different blogs I noticed that several of them spoke on how their grammar and  writing skills improved.  So thinking on this I have decided to come up with a few goals to aim for with this blogging thingy.  Specially with me moving into the more professional sector, where the ultimate aim of this and my new twitter is to be a professional resource.

  1. Prolly should stop calling this a blogging thingy. 
  2. Correct poor grammar and spelling.
  3. Reach a new and unthought (at least by me) audience.  
  4. To see if I will have some impact on the aforementioned audience.
  5. ......
  6. MAKE MONEY.  

I think that about covers it.  

Importance with teaching.

Whats important to me in teaching.  That is such a deep question. I can go simple with saying something like: Reaching the students.  Touching there lives.  Making them happy,  but to me it reaches so much more deeper then that.  Its more then just touching someones life.  Everyone touches others lives every day.  What makes me so different when I stand up in front of the class room?   I think it comes down to TRUST.  I want people to truly think about that.  From the youngest to the oldest Teachers are fully expected to tell the truth to the students and impart things on them that will affect the rest of their lives.  Like the comedian said you can tell little kids anything.  2+3=CHAIR.... Look they are writing it down.  How many of us go through our lives with something that has been taught to us in school that we find out later is wrong?  We truly trust those that are put into the position of teacher.  It is that trust that I feel is probably the most important thing.

  • Trust to be lead into the world.
  • Trust that your your told the truth.
  • Trust that you are safe.
  • Trust that you can get close without harm.  
  • Trust to be yourself.
  • Trust to grow and enjoy.

Though its got some commentary of older materials and the differences between the states I find this pretty funny.
Eddie Gossling - Educating
JokesJoke of the DayFunny Jokes

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Well started a blog.  This promises to be an odd and interesting class.  Looking forward to it.  Will finally jump feet first into all of this tech stuff.
